Cancer - it's a dirty, ugly word isn't it? Some people whisper it, some avoid it, some hear it and run away. Many, many more live with it, fight it, help others fight it, and never, ever give up.
We've all been affected by it here at MPC; we've lost loved ones, we've watched loved ones win the fight, and right now our own Sheryl is watching and helping her own husband fight (you can read their story here.)
So what can we mere mortals do? We can spread hope, love, friendship and just be there for those that need us. We can send cards, promote awareness, and keep searching for that cure. As you all know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, but there's no need to stop there. The team has created cards embodying that hope and love they so easily spread and share those, and the stories behind them, here.
Take a moment, enjoy the beauty, and grab the tissues. Feel free to share your stories here or on our Facebook page. We challenge you to send a card to someone just because you care this month. Doesn't have to be cancer-related, but be someone's ray of sunshine. Keep spreading the happiness and love that cancer cannot erase and remember that someday we'll win this fight.
Cancer has touched my life in many ways; professionally as a nurse and personally with family and friends. I wanted my card to represent not only Breast Cancer which is the focus during October, but all cancers. I used the Unity Stamp Company sets "...all about HOPE" and "Imperfection is Beauty". The lotus petals from left to right represent : Gold/ Childhood cancers, Dark Blue/ Colon cancer in memory of my brother, Teal/ Ovarian cancer, White/ Lung cancer in memory of my beloved mother, Plum honors caregivers who fight the battles alongside their loved ones, Periwinkle/ Esophageal cancer in honor of Dale Kemper, and Pink/ Breast cancer both in honor and memory of many friends. The lavender card base represents all cancers. Please support those you know who are facing cancer -- either as a patient or their loved one ... Even a small random act of kindness can help brighten someone's day.
It's so sad to think of all the people hurting from having cancer and those hurting from loving someone with cancer. I've personally lost so many from Uncles (Leukemia & Brain), to a Grandpa (Leukemia), my beloved Great-Great Auntie (Breast), from friends I have met and spent loads of time with to those I will never have the opportunity to spend even a second with but know from an online relationship. I carry them in my heart. My card was created with Unity Stamps and stencils from UmWow & Tim Holtz using gelatos. I have additional cards as well on my BLOG.
I made my card with a removable decorative clip. My card had several elements that represented the contrast of beauty and pain. Roses have thorns, pearls come from sand getting into the oyster's shells, and the butterfly has to totally change shape after being held captive in a cocoon. To me they show hope. That even though cancer is ugly and painful, there can still be beauty. you can read more about this card on my blog:
In my family, cancer seems to run rampant...for my card I went CAS and chose the ink colors based on the ribbon colors they represent: dark blue for my Aunt (colon), gray for my mother-in-law (brain), light blue for my Poppy (prostate), pink for my Gram (breast cancer for the third time, now), black ink for my Gram (skin cancer/melanoma), and the plum purple mat for all those who help them fight. The stamps are from Unity; the sentiment was from a grab bag, and I thought it was perfect for anyone who's life has been touched by this disease. I have the card creation details over on my blog, but be sure to grab the tissues first.
I made this CAS (clean and simple) card in honor of my mother and sister who have both battled breast cancer. While I'm a big believer in raising awareness, I'm also very disappointed by the fact that many companies and organizations that make a very good profit from the sales of cancer awareness, donate very little, if at all, to the cause of finding a cure. This article from my friend Laura Kelly is a real eye opener. I hope you'll take the time to read it, and, if you want to make a true difference, donate to one of the organizations listed at the bottom of her post.

Ah...the horrors of cancer. Lung cancer took my grandfather in 1974. I was only seven then. Then breast cancer hit my mom in 1980 and then other forms developed in 1982 and she lost her fight then. Now as some of you husband is fighting esophageal cancer. So far he's doing really well. He finished his last chemo treatment on Monday and will finish up his last radiation appointment this coming Monday. Then a few weeks from now he'll get another scan and go forward with surgery in mid-December. What a journey this has been and it's only halfway over. I thank everyone for their support during this HELL of a ride. It's even more hellish for Dale as he is now relying only on a feeding tube for food. Radiation causes inflammation and burning at the site being treated and now it has made it impossible for him to swallow food, liquids, or even his own spit. Keep supporting the cause. If you donate...donate to the American Cancer Foundation...which helps ALL types of cancers. Do you know there are more agencies to help women going through and recovering from breast cancer then there are to help people like my husband? I can't find a single place in Colorado OR the nation to help us with finances. That's pretty sad. We need places that will help people with ALL TYPES of cancer. Not limiting it to either by AGE or by TYPE or even by sexual orientation. There are too many out there that will only help people who are behind on RENT. But they won't help homeowners with a single mortgage payment. So while we fight to stay alive, we get to lose our house we work hard to own. NOT fair. Cancer can affect everyone from all angles. It really DOES suck. Help keep hope, love, faith, and fight the fight that's taking everyone and everything away from us.
I pray there's a miracle for you and things fall into place. Cancer affects so many people, families, friends, loved ones. It's a terrible disease that often comes out of nowhere. Beautiful cards, spread the message <3
ReplyDeleteAmazing creations! Love them all!!