
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Father's Day Inspiration

In tribute to all those amazing dads out there, here's a little inspiration from our design team to get your crafty juices flowing.  Happy Father's Day!





Two simple cards yet so purposeful.  Both of these took me only about 30 minutes to make.  My dad loves motorcycles and traveling the states on his.  My father-in-law loves to travel in his RV. it's not an RV lol.  Unity doesn't have an RV stamp.  But he'll get the meaning behind it.



My father died when I was 16.. Some of my earliest memories of him are sitting on his lap while he read to me and later walking to the library with him while he held my hand. Wish I could have shared Harry Potter with him and some of the latest mysteries I have read. He passed his love of books on to me and this card is for him....


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